Kunisaki Izumo no Jijou Chapter {{vm.ChapterDisplay(vm.Chapters[0].Chapter) + 1 | number:0}} is not yet available.
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Related Manga:
Kunisaki Izumo no Jijou
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Kunisaki Izumo no Jijou
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Alternate Name(s): An Untold Fact about Izumo Kunisaki
Izumo Kunisaki, a descendant of Izumo no Okuni, is often mistaken for a girl. It is the bane of his existence. His father and best-friend often laugh about it. To top it off, he plays the girl roles in his family's Kabuki troupe. In this short, he discovers that that curse is also his greatest source of strength and will prove just how much of a man he is.
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