MAD (OOTORI Yuusuke) Chapter {{vm.ChapterDisplay(vm.Chapters[0].Chapter) + 1 | number:0}} is not yet available. Subscribe to get notified when it is released.
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MAD (OOTORI Yuusuke)
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  • MAD (OOTORI Yuusuke)

  • {{vm.NumSubs | number:0}}
  • Author(s): OOTORI Yuusuke
  • Genre(s): Horror, Sci-fi, Shounen
  • Type: Manga
  • Released: 2024
  • Status: Ongoing (Scan), Ongoing (Publish)
  • RSS: RSS Feed
  • Description:
    Mysterious alien life-forms invade Earth! Most of humanity is wiped off the face of the planet. John, his sister, and the remaining survivors hope to find a new world to inhabit… But one day, they’re targeted by aliens again!
This Series is currently unavailable. Subscribe to get notified when a new chapter is released.

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