You have finished reading the last chapter of Scary Campus College University. This series is Complete.

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Scary Campus College University
{{vm.NumSubs | number:0}}
  • Scary Campus College University

  • {{vm.NumSubs | number:0}}
  • Author(s): NAGASHII Kouhei
  • Genre(s): Adult, Drama, Horror, School Life, Seinen, Supernatural
  • Type: Manga
  • Released: 2022
  • Status: Complete (Scan), Complete (Publish)
  • RSS: RSS Feed
  • Description:
    Drinking parties, club activities, romance... new student, Mahina Chiara, longs for a “pleasant university life”, encounters a ghost one night in an abandoned building.So she went to a man named Kaoru Makube, an "expert" in the supernatural on campus,This is where the story of Chiarashi's college life filled with "desire" and "fear" begins .
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