You have finished reading the last chapter of Smile Brush. This series is Complete.

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Smile Brush
{{vm.NumSubs | number:0}}
  • Smile Brush

  • {{vm.NumSubs | number:0}}
  • Author(s): Waru
  • Genre(s): Comedy, Slice of Life
  • Type: Manhwa
  • Released: 2010
  • Official Translation: Yes
  • Status: Complete (Scan), Complete (Publish)
  • RSS: RSS Feed
  • Description:
    With simplistic drawing and short dialog, the protagonist and the writer of the story Waroo succeeds in evoking the beauty and the slice of everyday life through gentle humor and sensibility. Even though there is no overreaction, the last lines of the comic that wrap up the event with wit and charm are especially memorable.
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